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Surrey Square Almshouses, Southwark:

homes for older people inspired by historic almshouse precedents

Southwark Charities
Project status:

Design proposals for the Surrey Square Almshouses site in Southwark provide 80-120 one bed apartments for older people. Inspired by the form of historic almshouse precedents, the buildings are arranged around a sheltered courtyard garden bounded by cloistered walkways.  

This configuration provides a place for residents to meet, encouraging community interaction and helping to reduce loneliness and social isolation. Whilst the ground floor cloister allows views and activation between the courtyard and the street.

The buildings are activated at street level with a resident’s lounge to the north and a flexible space for non-residents to the south - encouraging connections with the wider community.

Sheltered courtyard garden bounded by cloistered walkways
Sheltered courtyard garden bounded by cloistered walkways

Dwelling layouts provide social open plan spaces that maximise flexibility. Balconies allow for interaction with neighbours over different levels and provide a place to connect with nature. A variety of green spaces including a roof top terrace with space to exercise and the central courtyard garden have been designed with residents’ wellbeing in mind. Fragrant and insect friendly planting, a calming water feature and plenty of seating are provided.

Sustainable and resilient design principles have been incorporated throughout alongside biodiverse landscapes and green technology.

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