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St. Mary’s Island, Chatham:

a new neighbourhood set on the banks of the River Medway that encapsulates and enhances the marshland context

Countryside Properties UK
Contract value:
£46 million
Chatham, Kent
Completion date:
Project status:
Invited competition

This proposal for an invited competition captures the areas unique maritime heritage and marshland environment, creating neighbourhoods with distinct spatial qualities. The concept draws on the regions wider narrative of place. Set at the mouth of the River Medway in Kent, St Mary’s Island Masterplan is a proposal for a new residential development comprising 355 dwellings.

The more ordered arrangement of housing towards the southern end of the site is driven by the strong geometry imposed by the existing dock. Defined by four quadrants situated on either side of the dock, a formal east-west landscape sets-up visual ties across the River towards Upnor Castle. The urban formality established within each quadrant offers riverside townhouses, each with its own private garden, arranged around a communal landscaped courtyard.

The looser semi-urban arrangement of housing towards the north is defined by three east-west landscaped ‘fingers’ that act to draw out and continue the existing landscape park situated adjacent to the site. This enables the proposed built form to visually connect with the distant forests that sit on the far bank of the River Medway. These green fingers are expressed as ‘free form’ landscapes incorporating swales, natural marshland vegetation, grasslands and wild flowers. Housing proposed for this area comprises low-rise two storey dwellings forming informal courtyard clusters.

The proposal resolves the interface between these two neighbourhoods through the placement of an enlarged central landscaped public space. Located at the head of the dock, this space is also where a number of vehicular and pedestrian routes converge, thus establishing its significance as the masterplan’s principal communal place for gathering. An adjacent slender apartment tower acts as an identifiable townscape marker. Informal and formal social activities within the public realm are supported by active frontages including ground level spaces designed to support retail and cafe uses.

The overall development comprises of a range of accommodation that includes two, three and four bedroom dwellings proposed in terrace, semi-detached and detached housing types. Contributing to the broad offering of housing are also smaller clusters of one and two bedroom apartments found in blocks positioned at the end of significant vistas across the masterplan.

Overall Masterplan area
Overall Masterplan area