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'Understanding the 20 Minute Neighbourhood' Launch at the V&A Dundee

'Understanding the 20 Minute Neighbourhood' Launch at the V&A Dundee

We recently attended the launch of ‘Understanding the 20 Minute Neighbourhood: making opportunities for people to live well locally’ at the V&A Dundee. Proctor & Matthews are delighted to be a sponsor of the report written by Associate Dr Husam AlWaer and prepared in collaboration with a specialist team from the University of Dundee and Eclipse Research.  

Husam is currently Reader in Sustainable Urban Design at the University of Dundee examining the past and future of sustainable places including the development of new approaches to sustainable urbanism.

The guide identifies the essential ingredients of 20-minute neighbourhoods and the wide range of factors that need to be put in place for them to work effectively. Aimed at policy makers, local authorities, planners, urban designers and members of the community, recommendations within the report are based on research carried out in several areas of Scotland. 

The event included talks and a panel discussion with speakers including Leonie Bell, Director of V&A Dundee, Maggie Chapman, Scottish Green Party and Dr Ian Cooper, Eclipse Research. 

Dr AlWaer said: “For a 20-minute neighbourhood to work, it’s about bringing people with you – don’t just tell people what they should do, give them options...It’s not about restricting movement or creating a cage, it’s about diversity, giving people affordable and convenient options and the freedom to choose. If that’s available locally, people will choose to use it.”

The report is available it download in low and high resolution via the link below to the University of Dundee's website.