Situated on the site of a former Press House in Wembley, North London, this residential development aspires to deliver a mixed-tenure scheme. It's aim is to contribute towards improving the character of its local surrounds and act as a catalyst for regeneration. Designed to London Plan Housing standards, the building’s compact typology delivers an increased density providing a solution in response to London’s housing challenges.
Set within an established residential neighbourhood, the proposed design has an articulated form that responds to its immediate built environment in terms of overall height, scale and massing. Replacing a former 60s office building no longer deemed fit-for-purpose; the new scheme will greatly improve the surrounding public realm, creating a more attractive and safer environment for local residents and pedestrians walking towards the nearby recreation grounds and reservoir.
The development proposal includes 74 dwellings, consisting of one, two and three bedroom apartments and townhouses, grouped across the three different tenures. Apartments are distributed between two blocks separated by a generous communal landscaped garden for residents. Townhouses are arranged in side perimeter blocks fronting onto streets providing strong active frontages at ground level.
All dwellings are designed to have excellent private amenity including dual aspect orientation and views towards the reservoir or landscaped garden part of the scheme. Triple height sky gardens set within the taller blocks are a distinct design element offering added attractive outlook for residents. Parking for residents is provided at ground level hidden within the centre of the block beneath the podium garden.
The project is designed to suit off-site construction procurement methods in order to minimise environmental impact during construction phase.