Oldham in Greater Manchester has a rich history of spinning yarn and cotton during the industrial revolution when it was considered the world capital for textile processing. These masterplan proposals draw on the town’s unique heritage assets and historic past to create a distinctive and sustainable place to live, work and visit.
The masterplan will create a connected ‘15-minute’ town with leisure, cultural, work and educational facilities. A ‘warp and weft’ framework of fine grain streets and public realm space is informed by Oldham’s industrial past and urban character whist looking to a green and sustainable future. The planned Jubilee Park at the heart of the town centre, offers a central attraction for people from all walks of life to come together and connect with nature.

A series of distinct neighbourhoods will provide homes for a wide demographic from multi-generational families to young sharers. Typologies include town houses, smaller family homes and cloister access apartments with social galleries and central landscaped courtyards.
Proposed green routes will actively encourage people to walk and cycle, connecting the towns different neighbourhoods with the centre. Parking is strategically located in parking barns and areas discreetly integrated into the sloping terrain creating a safer pedestrian focussed low traffic environment.